📤Specifying outputs

Specify your tool's output files to ensure the tool runs and results are saved.

The "outputs" directory

Tools on Ontologic's platform have a special outputs/ directory where the results from the tool will be retrieved upon completion of a run.

Learn more about how our platform runs tools.

Every tool must output files into the outputs/ folder, or it will fail to run.

How to reference outputs in the Script & Parameters tab

To specify outputs in the Script & Parameters tab, use a relative path, like the example below:

# Place this example in the "Script & Parameters" section to place files in the outputs folder.
echo 'Your text here' > outputs/helloworld.txt

How to reference outputs in the IDE

The special outputs/ directory is created at runtime, so it isn't visible inside the IDE.

If you want to test whether your code will have the correct outputs, you may add /home/ontologic/outputs/ .

Note: including an outputs directory in the IDE is not sufficient to make sure your tool runs! You must put output files you want to save into the outputs folder in the Script & Parameters tab.

Using output subdirectories

To create outputs that are organized in a file tree, make sure to use relative paths in the Script & Parameters tab.

Use relative paths to make nested directories.

Create each directory with mkdir and make sure that each folder has at least one file inside.

# Place this example in the "Script & Parameters" section to make subdirectories.
mkdir outputs/anotherfolder
echo 'Result' > outputs/result.html
echo 'Another file' > outputs/anotherfolder/another-file.txt

Note: folders without a file inside will not be viewable from the Data page.

View nested directories in the Data page, not the Run Details page.

Run output folders retain subdirectory structure in the Data page of Ontologic. The Output tab of the Run Details view will always show output files in a flat list, but all subdirectory structure is maintained in the Data page.

Last updated